Bacton Parish

St. Andrew's Church, Bacton
St. Andrew's Church stands on its own surrounded by fields and the only access by car is along a narrow windy lane. It was built round about the 15th century and has quite a large tower compared to the size of the nave and chancel. As you approach the porch you will see a bright green statue of St. Andrew sitting in a niche above the gate and on entering the nave you are met with a mass of colour from all the brightly embroidered kneelers which are propped up in the pews. The church is open every day for visitors.
After a lot of fund-raising and donations, the six bells were hung in 2004 and are rung for weddings and other special services. Practice night for ringers is every Monday at 7:30pm. New ringers are always welcome. Children are warmly welcomed at any of the services.
For details of the services held at St. Andrews, please click on the services page.
The Parish of Bacton was, in the Middle Ages, famous for Bromholm Priory, also known as Bacton Abbey.
It was founded in 1113 and was one of the largest places of pilgrimage in East Anglia until 1536. All that can be seen of it now is a few old ruins standing in a private field. The village is well-known for the North Sea Gas Terminal which covers a large area on the edge of Bacton where it joins with Passion.
The population today is approx 1100 of which a large majority are local people who were born in Bacton as were their parents and grandparents.
There is an excellent Primary and Pre-school, Baptist Chapel, several shops, two garages, two public houses, a hotel, restaurants and a fish and chip shop. The village hall is used by the Art Group, Wednesday Club and Gardening Club. There is also a Chiropody session and various coffee mornings throughout the year. The hall is available for parties etc.