Walcott Parish

All Saints' Church, Walcott

The Parish of Walcott is the only parish in the Coastal Group where the road runs alongside the sea wall and most days you will find people sitting in their cars enjoying the view as they look out to sea. The village is made up of permanent and holiday homes, a caravan site, a well-stocked general store with post office, a fish and chip shop and restaurant and the well known Lighthouse Inn where food is served all day. The village hall is in the centre of the village and used by indoor bowls, coffee mornings, cafe chat, parties etc.
All Saints' Church was rebuilt in the early 15th century and stands on the main road towards the edge of the village.
The tower has stepped battlements, finely decorated with flush work and is one of the best examples in the country. An unusual feature on the tower's south side is the V-shaped stairs turret.
Inside the church is spacious and light and on the north wall there is a war memorial listing the names of the local men who lost their lives in the 1st World War. Services are held here every week alternating with Bacton on the fourth Sunday each month. Children are made very welcome and there is a well equipped children's corner at the back of the nave.
Several residents from The Rookery, a resident home for adults with learning difficulties, attend the services each week and refreshments are always served after each service to encourage everyone to stay for a chat over a cup of coffee.
Services are also held in the village hall throughout the year and a carol service at the Lighthouse Inn is alway very popular. Fetes, coffee mornings, organ recitals and flower festivals are just a few of the many fund raising events organised by the parishioners.
For details of services at All Saints', Please click on the services page.