Contact Us

The Revd Coryn Stanforth was inducted as our Rector on December 6th 2023.
She can be contacted at revdcoryn@btinternet.com
or tel. 07436 992347
We hope you have enjoyed your visit to our website. If you have, please visit us again to see what new events have taken place in the Coastal Group Of Parishes or, if you are in the area, why not come and join us in our worship. You will be made very welcome in all of our parishes.
You can, if you wish, contact the churchwardens:
Gilbert Larter (Happisburgh): 01692 650728
Rhena Branch (Sea Palling): 01692 597117 rhenabranch@gmail.com
Brenda Gallant (Bacton): 01692 651351
Keith Bronze (Bacton): keithbronze@yahoo.co.uk
Edward Hirst (Walcott): edfarmerbear@gmail.com
Maureen Bird (Walcott): maureenbird756@btinternet.com
Charles Owles (Witton): park.farm@afiweb.net
Sarah Nevell (Witton)
Richard Barker (Ridlington) 07922036944 email: richard.barker1@gmail.com
Margaret Henderson (Hempstead & Lessingham)01692 581858
Jacky Pestell (Hempstead & Lessingham)
Sandra Clarke (Hickling) 01692 598368